Half Term is nearly here! Nursery closed 12th – 16th February.
Our email will be going down for a few hours on Friday 9th February, hopefully after 3pm to enable us to move to a new platform.
After half term we will be looking at which children to include in our Early Talk Boost programme, this is to help support children aged 3-4 in developing vocabulary, extending communication, and supporting their attention and listening. It is a 9-week course in which three times a week, a small group of children will be taking part in two exciting activities, a song, and a story. We will be sending the stories home each week with the children to share them at home. During the 9 weeks the children will get to meet Jake and Tizzy who are part of our stories and making learning fun! If your child is selected to take part in the programme, you will be given an invitation and permission slip.
We are still seeing grapes either not cut or cut the wrong the way in lunchboxes, please be aware that these are a serious choking hazard for young children.
Grapes, cherry tomatoes, Olives etc must be cut lengthways into at least four pieces for nursery to avoid choking.
This short YouTube clip shows how they should look when cut.
This half term your children have been learning about Chinese New Year, this year it is the year of the Dragon, if you go up to London at all to see the celebrations, please feel free to add any photos you take onto the
Parent Portal.
There is still a lot of illness going around, if your child has a high temperature, please keep them at home until it subsides.
Sickness and diarrhoea please remember children cannot attend nursery until they are 48 hours clear.
Tuesday 13th February - Pancake Day.
Wednesday 14th February - Valentines Day.
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day Dress as your favourite book character £1 donation.
Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day Dress up as a granny or wear something red. £1 donation.
Monday 25th March - Holi celebration of good over evil, festival of colours.
Thorpe Nursery Pre-School
Manor Farm House
Coldharbour Lane
TW20 8TE
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Term Time Only
Flexible Session Times Available